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The full name of this association shall be the Southern Criminal Justice Association.
The short names of this association shall be the SCJA and Southern CJ.
SEC. 1
The objectives of this Association shall be as stated in Article II of the Constitution.
SEC. 2
To fulfill the objectives, the functions of this organization may incorporate social and informational activities.
SEC. 1
Applicants for regular membership in the Association must:
- Be over the age of 18
- Support the purposes and objectives of the Association
- Not have had their membership in Association terminated for a cause in the past (the Board of Directors shall have the right to waive this requirement on a case-by-case basis).
Applicants for student membership in the Association must:
- Be enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education
- Have interest in criminology and/or criminal justice
- Not have had their membership in Association terminated for a cause in the past (the Board of Directors shall have the right to waive this requirement on a case-by-case basis).
SEC. 2
An eligible person interested in membership in the Association will submit a completed written application on a form adopted by the Board of Directors and tender payment of dues set at the time of application to the Secretariat.
Should the application and fee satisfy the requirements for election to membership set forth in Section 1 of Article 3 of the Bylaws, the Secretariat will promptly certify the application for election to the Treasurer for entry on the membership roster.
Whenever an issue concerning any application of any person arises, that application and any other pertinent information shall be forwarded by the Secretariat to the Board of Directors for action, subject to further review or direction by the membership of the Association.
SEC. 3
To maintain good standing, members must have paid annual dues and their membership must not have otherwise been suspended or terminated.
SEC. 4
Any member in arrears for dues shall have their membership terminated.
SEC. 5
Any membership may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors and may be terminated by two-thirds vote of the regular members present and voting at an Annual or Special Meeting.
SEC. 6
Only regular members in good standing shall be allowed to vote.
SEC. 7
No member of the Association shall be allowed to intentionally violate the Constitution, Bylaws, or any of the Association’s Policies, behave in a way that damages the Association’s reputation, disrupt the Association’s normal operations, disparage the Association or any of its members, or take any other action that may have an adverse effect on the Association’s affairs (“Member Misconduct”).
Board of Directors shall have a right to terminate membership of any member of the Association involved in Member Misconduct. In case of such a membership termination, membership dues shall not be subject to refund.
SEC. 8
The Association shall adopt and publish the following statement supporting diversity:
The Southern Criminal Justice Association greatly values diversity and strives to be an inclusive organization. A diversity of ideas, perspectives, and experiences generated from individuals with various backgrounds is essential in better understanding criminal offending, victimization, and impact of the criminal justice system.
We recognize the historical issues and challenges associated with inclusion among academic organizations. We have taken initial steps to promote diversity by developing a plan to recruit members from underrepresented groups and diverse backgrounds, but we recognize that there is not a simple solution to this problem. We greatly appreciate suggestions on how to better promote diversity, provide an inclusive environment, and serve our membership.
Board of Directors
SEC. 1
The voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of the immediate past President, the elected Officers, and five (5) Directors-at-Large.
SEC. 2
The non-voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Director of the Secretariat, the Editor of the American Journal of Criminal Justice, the Regional Representative of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and such other persons as may be appointed by the President subject to final approval by the voting Board of Directors.
SEC. 3
The Board of Directors shall provide general policy direction for the Association and perform ad hoc tasks at the discretion of the President.
SEC. 4
All elected Officers and members of the Board of Directors are expected to attend all meetings of the Association and shall be subject to recall for absence from three consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors without reasonable cause as determined by the Board of Directors.
SEC. 5
The duties of the President shall be:
To preside at all Board of Directors meetings; To preside at all meetings of the Association; To enforce the Constitution and By-Laws;
To appoint those committees required by the Constitution and By-Laws and such other committees as deemed necessary to the orderly operation of the Association;
To require the Treasurer, at each Annual Meeting or at such time as the President may direct, to present a statement of monies received, deposited and disbursed since the last Annual Meeting and the financial standing of the Association;
To require the Secretariat, at each Annual Meeting or at such time as the President may direct, to present a statement of (1) all monies from the SCJA treasury that have been received, deposited and disbursed since the last Annual Meeting, and (2) the financial standing of the Secretariat.
SEC. 6
The First Vice-President shall automatically succeed to the office of President should the President be unable to complete the elected term of office. In addition, the First Vice-President shall serve as President for the year following promotion to the office of President. The duties of the First Vice-President shall be:
To assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties;
To officiate for the President in the President’s absence;
To assume the role of Program Chair and assist the President in planning the Annual Meeting;
To represent the Association at various functions at the request of the President;
To perform such other duties as directed by the President or the Board of Directors.
SEC. 7
The Second Vice-President shall preside at Annual or Special Meetings of the Association in the absence, disability, or removal of the President and First Vice-President. The Second Vice- President shall automatically succeed to the office of President should the President and First Vice-President be unable to complete the elected terms of office. In addition, the Second Vice- President shall serve as First Vice-President for the year following the election to Second Vice-President. The duties of the Second Vice-President (First Vice-President) shall be:
To assist the President and First Vice-President as requested;
To assume responsibility for Association awards;
To assume responsibility for selecting the sites of future Annual Meetings;
To perform such other duties as directed by the President or the Board of Directors.
SEC. 8
The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
To keep an accurate record of all monies received, deposited and disbursed in the name of the Association;
To sign or designate and oversee the signing of all orders drawn on the funds of the Association as authorized;
To provide a treasurer’s report at board and business meetings.
To perform such other duties as directed by the President or the Board of Directors.
SEC. 9
One Director-at-Large member of the Board will be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Board, the Annual Meeting, the mid-year meeting, and any special or called meetings.
Election, Recall, and Appointment of Officers
SEC. 1
The Officers of the Association and Directors-at-Large, who must be regular members eligible to vote, shall be elected in accordance with the Election Code as adopted by the Board of Directors.
SEC. 2
The President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President shall serve terms of one year or until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. The Treasurer and Directors-at-Large shall serve a term of three years or until their successors have been duly elected and qualified.
SEC. 3
Any Officer or member of the Board of Directors may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors and may be terminated by two-thirds vote of the regular members present and voting at an Annual or Special Meeting. Such suspensions or terminations shall be undertaken in accordance with the procedures outlined under Rule 60 in Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised.
SEC. 4
Procedures in the case of resignation, recall, or death of an Officer or member of the Board of Directors shall be established by the Board of Directors and recorded in the Election Code of the Association.
SEC. 5
Elections of officers and Directors-At-Large shall be conducted by mail ballot or electronic ballot prior to the Annual Meeting and in accordance with the procedures set by the Board of Directors.
SEC. 1
The Association shall hold its Annual Meeting during the Fall academic term each year at a place designated by the Board of Directors. A mid-year meeting of the Association (which shall not qualify as a “Special Meeting”) may be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
SEC. 2
In meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors, the agenda shall be established by the President or presiding Officer.
SEC. 3
Meetings of the Board of Directors can be conducted in-person, electronically, or in hybrid format (combination of in-person and electronic). All Board Meeting participants shall receive a notice with the date, time, and location of the upcoming Board Meeting not later than 30 calendar days before the meeting.
SEC. 4
In the event an in-person Board Meeting cannot be held or for any other good reason as deemed by the President, Board Meeting shall be held electronically or in a hybrid format. Electronic/Hybrid Board Meetings shall be conducted by the means of telecommunication or in any other form allowing each Board Meeting participant to express their opinions and ask questions in a way that is heard or read by all other Board Meeting participants.
SEC. 5
The rules contained in the latest edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
Funds of the Association
SEC. 1
A general fund is hereby created. All revenues derived from membership dues shall be placed in said fund.
SEC. 2
The Board of Directors shall have the power to establish the membership dues.
SEC. 3
The Board of Directors shall have the authority to enter into agreements with public agencies and private organizations for the purpose of accepting grants to aid the Association in meeting the objectives stated in Article II of the Constitution.
SEC. 4
Funds received with restrictions shall be administered in a manner established in agreement between the grantor and the Association.
SEC. 5
The Audit Committee of no less than three voting members of the Association shall inspect the financial records of the Treasurer at least twice annually in a manner consistent with Article VIII SEC 1.
SEC. 1
There shall be six Standing Committees of the Southern Criminal Justice Association: Nominations and Elections; Constitution and By-Laws; Membership; Audit; Fundraising; and Records and Communications. The total number of voting members serving on each committee may vary at the discretion of the committee chair but must total at least 3 including the committee chair. The committee chairs shall provide their committee reports to: (1) the general membership twice a year at the General Business Meetings held at the mid-year meeting and annual meeting, (2) the Executive Board at the Executive Board meetings, and (3) the President and Executive Board at the request of the President.
1) The Nominations and Elections Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President. The Chair shall maintain responsibility for soliciting nominations for vacancies on the Executive Board, receiving nominations, obtaining election materials (candidate statement, bio, and headshot) from nominees and candidates, and compiling and sending election materials to the IT Coordinator. Running of the election will remain the responsibility of the IT Coordinator (see Election Code), while the Nominations and Elections committee will certify the votes. The Chair will report the results of annual elections to the Executive Board and general membership.
2) The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall be chaired by a Director-at-Large appointed by the President at the start of his/her/their term. The committee shall maintain the current version of the SCJA Constitution, By-Laws, and Procedures and other policy documents and make recommendations for revisions to these living documents as charged by the President of SCJA.
3) The Membership Committee shall be chaired by a Director-at-Large appointed by the President at the start of his/her/their term. The committee shall provide recommendations for increasing memberships and improving the experience of members as charged by the President of SCJA.
4) The Audit Committee shall be chaired by a Director-at-Large appointed by the President at the start of his/her/their term. The committee shall maintain responsibility for completing an audit of all SCJA financial documents and records twice per year: once at the mid-year meeting and once at the annual meeting.
5) The Fundraising Committee shall be chaired by a Director-at-Large appointed by the President at the start of his/her/their term. The committee shall maintain responsibility for reviewing conference sponsorship options and membership dues as charged by the President of SCJA. The committee shall also identify donations and purchase appropriate items for the raffles held at the annual meeting. The Chair will run the raffles at the annual meeting.
6) The Records and Communications Committee shall be chaired by a Director-at-Large appointed by the President at the start of his/her/their term. The Chair shall maintain responsibility for recording the minutes of all Executive Board and General Business meetings, maintaining these records within the SJCA Dropbox, and providing copies of the General Business Meeting minutes to the IT Coordinator to post on the SCJA website. The committee shall prepare and publish the SCJA newsletter Crime and Grits at least twice per year and prepare and disseminate all social media content in accordance with the Social Media Policy (see Policy 1000 – Social Media Policies). The SCJA website will remain the responsibility of the IT Coordinator.
SEC. 2
The President may create such other ad hoc committees as are deemed appropriate. The President shall appoint the chairpersons of all committees and shall appoint such members as are deemed appropriate.
The Secretariat and IT Coordinator
SEC. 1
A Secretariat shall be established by the Southern Criminal Justice Association.
SEC. 2
The President, with the pre-approval of the Board of Directors, shall be authorized to contract with an accredited institution of higher education allowing that institution to serve as the Secretariat for a 3-year period of time renewable up to an additional 3 years.
SEC. 3
The duties and responsibilities of the Secretariat shall be to support the activities of the Association and shall include duties such as the maintenance of the Association’s membership and mailing list; the assumption of responsibility for the mailings of the Association and such other duties designated by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
SEC. 4
An IT Coordinator shall be established by the Southern Criminal Justice Association.
SEC. 5
The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors shall be authorized to contract with a SCJA member to serve as the IT Coordinator for a three (3) year period of time renewable up to an additional three (3) years.
SEC. 6
The duties and responsibilities of the IT Coordinator shall be to support the activities of the Association and shall include such duties as updating and maintaining the Association’s Website, online communications, electronic records, an online payment system, and such other duties designated by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
Association Journal
SEC. 1
The Southern Criminal Justice Association is authorized to publish a peer-reviewed journal entitled the American Journal of Criminal Justice.
SEC. 1
Board of Directors shall have a right to amend these Bylaws by two-thirds of the votes of the voting members of the Board of Directors.
SEC. 2
Board of Directors shall have a right to amend the Association’s policies by the votes of a simple majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors.
Adopted October, 1974
Amended April, 1977
Amended May, 1980
Amended October, 1980
Amended October, 1981
Amended October, 1983
Amended October, 1984
Amended October, 1985
Amended February, 1987
Amended September, 1988
Amended October, 1991
Amended October, 1994
Amended October, 1995
Amended September 2003
Amended August 2016
Amended August 2017
Amended October 2017
Amended September 2019
Amended June 2020
Amended April 2024