Category: Conference
A Message from the President
We had an amazing turnout for the SCJA 2020 Research Showcase. We had well over 200 participants, multiple poster sessions, multiple lightning talk sessions, and a Presidential session. All of these posters and presentations were outstanding, particularly those with student lead authors! We know the future of SCJA is bright with students that are already…
It’s Here! The Research Showcase
The all-virtual SCJA Research Showcase 2020 is upon us. Here’s everything you need to know to attend:
Announcing the First (and hopefully only) Research Showcase
Introducing the first (and hopefully only) SCJA Research Showcase
Crime and Grits #4
The fourth issue of the SCJA newsletter, Crime and Grits, is now available. Find it here! Thanks again to Julie Baldwin for putting it together and bringing it to us. To submit content for the next newsletter email: