SCJA2024 Greenville, SC September 10-14, 2024: Download the Program

A Message from the President

We had an amazing turnout for the SCJA 2020 Research Showcase.  We had well over 200 participants, multiple poster sessions, multiple lightning talk sessions, and a Presidential session.  All of these posters and presentations were outstanding, particularly those with student lead authors!  We know the future of SCJA is bright with students that are already doing important and impactful research.

Congratulations to all of the Award winners from the Research Showcase, and a sincere "thank you" to Dr. Bryan Miller (Program Chair), Dr. Cathy Marcum (Awards Committee Chair), and Dr. John Eassey (Webmaster) who put together an outstanding virtual program and event!  Stay well and stay safe, and we look forward to seeing y'all in Daytona Beach, FL in September 2021!
